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Web Developer Roadmap 2022


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Web Developer Roadmap 2022

How to Learn Web development?

In web development, there are mainly four ends.

  1. Backend
  2. Frontend
  3. Database
  4. Cloud(server)

This roadmap consists of widely used technologies/frameworks for frontend and backend. It also includes overview about cloud(AWS) and some information about server.

Table of contents

  • Sprint 1: Version control, Basic web technologies and coding conventions
  • Sprint 2: Docker, Databases and PHP
  • Sprint 3: Golang
  • Sprint 4: Node.js
  • Sprint 5: Vue.js
  • Sprint 6: Useful concepts

Sprint 1 - Version control, Basic web technologies and coding conventions

Practical 1.1

  • Perform following operations in gitlab
    • Create a repository to GitLab
    • Add new files into a git repository
    • Modify some files and commit them into a git repository
    • Push in a git repository
    • Create Commits, tags, and branches
    • Checkout new branch
    • Merge branch into another
    • Rebase
    • Create merge request


Practical 1.2

  • UI Design
    • Design static UI given in the link
    • Design responsive UI given in the link


Practical 1.3

  • Unit converter
    • Create a unit converter that should take input from users and output the value in the asked unit (conversion units can be centimeters, meters, and kilometers)


Sprint 2 - Docker, Databases and PHP

Practical 2.1

  • Install MySQL using Docker
  • Install MongoDB using Docker


Practical 2.2

  • Perform following queries in MySQL

    • Create a table named students with fields id, first_name, last_name, standard, percentage, interest, etc... and insert data into it
    • Create table student_attendances with fields id, created_at, presence/absence fields and insert data into it
    • Prepare queries to find student's presence/absence on a particular day
    • Find total absence/presence of every student
    • Find absent students with a percentage lower than 70.
  • Perform following queries in MongoDB (Can use MongoDBPlayground to peform queries)

    • Create a collection named students with fields id, first_name, last_name, standard, percentage, interest, etc... and insert data into it
    • Form a query to find students with a percentage lower than 70 and interest in sport.
    • Count the total students with a percentage above 70


Practical 2.3

  • Create a Blog application with following requirements
    • It should have two sides
        1. Admin
        1. User
    • Implement Register and login functionality for both user and admin
    • Admin can add posts ( post fields - title, description, created_date, author, category, image )
    • Admin can decide which user can see the post
    • Added Posts will be visible on user side (latest posts first)


Basic Concepts

  • Installation WAMP/MAMP/XAMPP
  • How it exactly works ?
  • Basic Syntax
  • Variables, Constants, Operators & Control Structures
  • Conditions, Loops, Switch cases
  • Arrays, String and various string functions
  • Functions
  • Includes & Required
  • Classes & Objects & Constructors
  • Namespaces
  • Extensions
  • Exceptions
  • JSON Encode & Decode
  • Sessions
  • Cookies
  • File Manipulation
  • Indexed Array vs Associative Array
  • Object vs stdObject
  • Timeout of PHP script

Predefined variables

Advanced options

  • Interfaces
  • Traits
  • Crons
  • Composer
  • php.ini tweaks


  • Private
  • Public
  • Static

Sprint 3 - Golang

Practical 3.1

Basic concepts

Advance concepts

  • Maps in Go
  • Concurrency and Goroutine
  • defer
  • Error handling
  • Panic and recover
  • Reflection
  • Type conversion
  • File manipulations
  • Logging
  • Authentication with JWT (JSON Web Token)


Sprint 4 - Node.js

Practical 4.1

  • Implement one-one real time chat application

Practical 4.2


Sprint 5 - Vue.js

Practical 5.1


  • Get started with Vue.js

  • Concepts

    • What is vue.js ?
    • Getting started
    • Installation
    • Application and component instances
    • Template syntax
    • Data properties and Methods
    • Computed Properties and Watchers
    • Class and Style Bindings
    • Conditional rendering, conditional style binding
    • List rendering
    • Event Handling
    • Form input bindings
    • Component Basics
    • Props
    • Component registration
    • Slots
    • Template refs

Sprint 6 - Useful concepts






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